Recon Field PC hard reset and preparing the field PC

1. Introduction
If problems are experienced with the use of the field PC, which are unable to be resolved with a soft reset or reinstallation of the software, as a last resort a hard reset can be performed. Please consult Soil Instruments as your fault maybe simple and easily resolved without completing a ‘Hard Reset'.
The hard reset will clear everything on field PC and restore the field PC to the factory settings, so any personal data should be backed up first. Your In_Port database 'DB_Inport2.sdf' will be safe on the Compact Flash ‘Storage Card’ along with the reinstallation software for In_Port.

2. To complete a ‘Hard reset’ please perform the following
Press and hold the power key for 3 seconds to display a 5 second countdown.
Continuing to hold down the power key will cause a soft reset when the countdown reaches zero.
Immediately after the countdown is complete press and hold the Windows ‘start’ and buttons. After a double beep, release the buttons.
Once released, after a pause of approximately 20 seconds the field PC will request for you to confirm the ‘Hard Reset’ to do so press the ‘Enter’ key, to cancel press any other key.
Upon completion of a reboot, the field PC will request you perform a screen alignment.
Set the data and time to your local time zone.
The field PC will give the option to setup a password. We would recommend skipping this option. If a password is set, please make sure this is supplied to Soil Instruments if the field PC is ever returned to the service department.

The ‘Hard Reset’ will now be complete. 

3. Preparing the field PC
Field PCs supplied direct from Soil Instruments will already be configured. If you have completed a Hard Reset, the field PC will return to its default settings and will require preparations as follows.

Setting the time & date
On the field PC desktop, select the following
System (tab menu)
Clock & Alarms
Set the region to the local area. Then set the time and date. Then click ‘ok’

Setting the Regional Settings
On the field PC desktop, select the following
System (tab menu)
Regional Settings (scroll down to find)
Use the drop down menu to select ‘English (United Kingdom)’.  Click ‘ok’
‘English (United Kingdom)’ is required to be set for software compatibility. The field PC will require restarting for changed to take effect.

Customising the start menu
Personal (tab menu)
Start Menu
Please make sure only five options are ticked
The field PC is now fully prepared for the installation. Please see knowledgebases on re-installing the In-Port software within the category related to your field PC type.